What Kind Of Sauce Goes On Pizza?

Making pizza is a treasured ritual, and the sauce is one of the most essential parts that can take a simple pizza to the next level. Your pizza sauce choice, from bold and sour to mild and tasty, can make or break your pie.

This article takes you on a delicious journey through the world of pizza sauces. We’ll look at the subtleties of traditional tomato sauces, try some creative options, and find out how to make the best pizza sauce for your tastes. 

What Kind Of Sauce Goes On Pizza?

1. The Traditional Tomato Sauce

When we think of pizza sauce, the traditional tomato sauce comes to mind first. It is a pizza staple renowned for its lively, sour, and faintly sweet flavor. This sauce is typically prepared with ripe tomatoes, reduced to a thick, flavorful consistency, and seasoned with a combination of herbs and seasonings. Tomatoes, garlic, oregano, basil, and olive oil are the most important constituents.

Simplicity is one of the secrets to an excellent tomato pizza sauce. The herbs and garlic enhance the overall flavor, allowing the sweetness of the tomatoes to shine through. You can create your tomato sauce from scratch or purchase one of superior quality. The versatility of tomato sauce, which combines well with nearly every pizza topping, makes it an excellent choice for traditional pizzas.

2. A Creamy Twist On White Sauce.

White sauce is a delectable alternative to tomato sauce for those seeking an alternative. It consists of a base of heavy cream or milk, butter, and a hint of garlic, and it is a creamy, dreamy option. The sauce, flavored with Parmesan cheese, Romano cheese, and nutmeg, provides a decadent base for your pizza.

Combining white sauce and garnishes such as chicken, spinach, mushrooms, and artichokes results in a more refined flavor profile. It adds a layer of decadence to your pizza, making it a popular topping for gourmet and unique pizzas.

3. Pesto Sauce

Pesto sauce is a distinctive and vibrant alternative. Typically, this sauce is made with fresh basil leaves, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, garlic, and olive oil. The pine nuts lend a trace of nuttiness to the dish’s fresh and aromatic flavor.

The pesto sauce goes well with sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella, grilled poultry, and roasted red peppers. It imparts a Mediterranean flavor to your pizza with a burst of herbaceous and savory overtones.

4. Barbecue Sauce

With its tangy and smoky flavor, barbecue sauce is another thrilling option for pizza sauce. It complements garnishes like grilled chicken, red onions, bacon, and bell peppers with a unique depth of flavor.

The pizza’s overall flavor is enhanced by the smokiness of barbecue sauce, creating a compelling combination of sweet and savory flavors. Whether you favor a traditional tomato-based barbecue sauce or a spicy vinegar-heavy variety, this sauce will surely excite your taste buds.

The Keys To The Ideal Pizza Sauce

There are a few universal secrets to making the ideal pizza sauce, regardless of the type of sauce chosen:

  •  Maintain the sauce’s equilibrium and simplicity. Each constituent must have a distinct function without overpowering the others.
  • Use the finest and most recent ingredients you can locate. Fresh herbs, premium tomatoes, and savory cheeses can make all the difference.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and create your signature pizza sauce by combining ingredients and flavors that excite your taste receptors.
  • It is essential to achieve the proper consistency. Your pizza sauce should be dense enough to adhere to the crust without causing it to become soggy.

How To Make Pizza Sauce


  • Four bulbs of garlic
  • 1 (14.5-ounce) can of minced, drained tomatoes
  • Two teaspoons of olive oil
  • One teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, plus to taste
  • 3/4 milligram of kosher salt
  • freshly powdered pepper black


In a food processor, mince garlic cloves. In a food processor, pulse the garlic two to three times until it is coarsely minced.

Blend the condiment. In a food processor, combine the tomatoes, olive oil, sugar, vinegar, salt, and pepper for 20 to 30 seconds or until the desirable consistency is reached.

Employ pizza sauce. This sauce does not require any heating before use. Spoon it onto a round of pizza dough and spread it with the back of the spatula. This quantity of sauce is sufficient for eight medium pizzas, depending on your sauce preference.

The choice of pizza sauce is crucial to the pizza-making process, as it can considerably affect the flavor and personality of the finished product. This article has illuminated various pizza sauce options, from traditional tomato sauces to novel alternatives. It’s not just about what type of sauce goes on pizza; it’s also about how you can tailor it to your tastes, experiment with seasonings, and create a pizza that is uniquely yours. 

Thanks for reading. 

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